Call for Proposals 2023

“Zimin Institute for Engineering Solutions Advancing Better Lives”


The Zimin Institute for Engineering Solutions Advancing Better Lives (“Zimin Institute“) is interested in harnessing the research carried out by TAU researchers towards generating solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges, in areas such as water purification, pollution and toxin monitoring, battling disease, renewable energy, cyber-security and many more.

The Zimin Institute will support research projects within the annual Scope of Research.

This year the Scope of Research is:

  1. Gene editing
  2. Cell reprogramming
  3. Bioinformatics
  4. Bioconvergence including bio-engineering


Selection criteria

  • There is no limitation to the project’s disciplines as long as they are within the Scope of Research and are for the benefit of humanity.
  • Proposals can focus either on one discipline or be of interdisciplinary character. However, preference will be given to interdisciplinary projects.
  • Priority will be given to projects that combine engineering with other disciplines and that have application potential (material, method or technology that advance humanity within the scope of research).
  • Academic excellence of the PI.
  • The contribution of the proposal for a better world.
  • Clear, detailed and justified budget.
  • Existing projects who wish to apply for 2nd year funding should submit a new proposal. Such an extension application should provide in addition to the general application:
    • Detailed description of the 1st year achievements in light of the proposed milestones
    • Explanation why a second period is needed and what will be achieved more if approved



Projects will be selected by a scholar’s committee appointed and headed by the Vice President for Research and Development of Tel Aviv University.

The committee will select for support up to 6 promising research projects on a competitive basis.

Grants shall be up to $100,000 for 1 year.

Duration of funding will be one year, with a possibility to apply for a second year extension. It will be handled as a new application that takes into account the scientific achievements of the first year.

Winners of previous cycles are welcome to submit new proposals.

25% matching by the University is required. University matching will be IN KIND and will be mentioned in the proposal’s budget.

A progress report will be required within two months within completion of the grant.


Submission Instructions and deadlines

  • Principal investigators should be faculty members (at all levels of tenure track).
  • Proposals should be submitted in English.
  • An abstract is required which clearly outlines the overarching goals of the research proposal (not exceeding 250 words).
  • The research project description should not exceed 5 pages (1.5-line spacing, 12-point characters), excluding references, CVs (2 pages max each), budget, and budget justification.
  • Budget items may include student fellowships, postdocs, specialist time, equipment, consumables, disposables and/or services (such as: computing, data analysis costs). Workshop support is also possible.
  • 25% matching by the University is required. University matching will be IN KIND and should be mentioned in the proposal’s budget. In-kind match is typically the calculated value of personnel, goods, and services: Labor, space, training, supplies, equipment and travel.
  • Endorsement by the Dean or School Head or equivalent should be attached.
  • Applicants must follow TAU regulations.


The deadline for submission of the proposals is Tuesday January 31, 2023.

Certificate of Recognition

The awardees are expected to participate in any event for the Zimin Institute which will take place in 2023.

The awardees will be obliged to introduce themselves and to participate in any presentation session during 2023 regarding their proposal.

Nominees should be aware that this participation is obligatory.

The recipient is obliged to credit the participation and support of the “Zimin Institute for Engineering Solutions Advancing Better Lives” in any advertisement, publication, publicity notice or public comment resulting from or related to the project.


Researchers should submit the proposal electronically as one PDF or Word file to Danielle Tamir (  at TAU.


For further information, please contact:


Ms. Danielle Tamir

Industrial Relations Manager, Industrial Affiliates Program, TAU

Tel: 03-6407316
